Summer Homies – July 22, 2023
Every summer Revive Community of Virgina partners with community partners and sponsors to host a free critical resource festival to serve our most vulnerable community members in Norfolk, VA. This free one-day program provides health screens and services for economically impacted individuals and families experiencing food insecurity, housing instability, and provides basic grooming and hygiene services.
This year we served over one thousand homies! Not only did we connect homies with necessary critical resources and services, but we also provided tools necessary to enhance the overall quality of life the people we serve. Our resource festival featured live cooking and meal preparation demonstrations, yoga and mindfulness techniques, massages, nutritious meals and provided access to hot showers, fresh clothes and mental health services.
Summer Homies exemplifies the spirit of community engagement and service by demonstrating a commitment to helping those who are facing challenges. The program aims to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need, offering support, care, and resources to promote their well-being.
Although Summer Homies may be over, we still need your support! Our goal next year is to make Summer Homies BIGGER and BETTER. Next year we aim to serve between 2,000- 5,000 individuals and families. See the section below for ways to support Summer Homies 2024.
Contributions help us expand our services and programing to remove barriers for individuals needing critical resources.
To create a home where our homies are, it takes a village. Villagers play critical roles in every aspect of the program. From planning to execution— your support is vital to the success of Summer Homies.
Revive, offers programming through the year to support the community. To stay connected subscribe to our newsletter for more updates!
Our core values are collaboration, access and care. We are currently searching for resource partners to help us meet the growing needs to the community to provide care for ALL.